
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Club Activity LIVE & FAN MEETING -Landing action Yeah!!-
Overseas Live Viewing Information
※ 午場觀眾13:00才會開放上樓、晚場觀眾18:00才會開放上樓,實際進場及開演時間將視現場情況而定。
台北國際會議中心 (TICC)
◎ 2MF-VIP區 + 2MF-S區 + 3F-S區,皆在3F觀眾入口處領取,分開領取。
◎ 4F-S區,在4F觀眾入口處領取。
〈午場〉12:00 ~ 14:30
〈晚場〉17:00 ~ 19:30
※ 午場和晚場的現場票分開販售,現場票券數量有限,售完為止,網路及機台預購只到2月9日 23:59。
※ 購買晚場票券選擇現場取票的朋友,可於午場時間提早取票。
◆ 開演前、演出中包含謝幕及散場時,都請務必保持良好秩序,請勿衝撞或佔據走道及他人座位,演出中非必要時,都請勿任意離開自己的座位。
◆ 開演前、演出中含謝幕及散場時,會場內一律嚴禁錄影、錄音、拍照等行為。如有發現違規,將請您離開會場,也有可能中止演出,敬請配合。
◆ 演出時請關閉行動電話、鬧鈴等會發出聲音的電子產品電源。
◆ 會場館內全面禁止吸菸。
◆ 切勿在演唱會會場附近逗留、徘徊、或是做出追逐表演者的行為,以免造成表演者、現場工作人員、鄰近店家及他人的困擾。
◆ 嚴禁攜帶下列各物品入場:相機、錄影機、MD、錄音機、錄音筆等影音器材,以及雷射筆、燃料類、大量打火機、火柴等易燃物品,還有利刃、鐵鎚、螺絲起子等可能做為凶器使用的物品亦嚴禁攜帶入場。任何不在上述表列的物品,若工作人員判斷為危險物品,皆嚴禁攜帶入場。
◆ 本場活動會場,無提供寄物服務,如有寄物需求,請自行處裡。
◆ 隨身行李請務必自行妥善保管,切勿隨意放置,以免遺失。倘若物品不幸遺失,演唱會主辦單位、活動會場、表演者皆不負任何責任,請自己妥善保管。
◆ 會場內可以使用螢光棒/手燈。但是,舉凡高亮度(包含會發出強烈閃光或是過亮的螢光)、或是經過改造的螢光棒/手燈、會發出過強亮光的物品、或長度過長(非一般長度)等,經現場工作人員研判可能會造成危險的物品,或是會妨礙影響其他人觀賞觀賞演出權益的物品,皆請勿使用及攜帶。
◆ 使用螢光棒或手燈時,請注意不要打擾到附近的觀眾觀賞演出,亦請小心揮動時不要打到其他觀眾唷。
◆ 可能造成妨礙他人觀賞演出的任何應援物,都請勿帶到會場使用。
2. 若找不到禮物箱,請詢問現場工作人員,謝謝。
3. 請勿贈送任何可能造成藝人及工作人員困擾之物品,包括無法過海關或寄送的物品、各類食物及飲品、生鮮、動/植物、易碎物品、入出境違禁物品、大型物品等,恕無法代收,相關單位亦將保留判斷收受標準之權力,敬請見諒。
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Club Activity
–Landing action Yeah!! – in Taipei
【Queuing /Open/Start】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
〈1st Show〉13:00OPEN/14:00 START
〈2nd Show〉18:00 OPEN/19:00 START
※ Audience for the 1st show may proceed upstairs from1 p.m. onwards, and audience for the 2nd show from 6 p.m. The time may vary due to conditions on that day.
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC (Plenary Hall)
【Exclusive Bandana exchange】
◎ 2MF-VIP area + 2MF-S area + 3F-S area to be exchaged at 3F entrance.
◎ 4F-S area to be exchanged at 4F entrance.
※Please note that odd number and even number seats have to enter from different doors.
※Exchange can only be done per show. Please be aware that you may not exchange for bandanas for both shows at the same time. Also, you may not do the exchanging for another person.
※Once exchanged, a stamp will be put on the ticket used. You may only pick one bandana up once and for the upcoming show only. Also, if you lose your ticket, we are afraid that you may not exchange.
※VIP area audiences, please stay on your seats after the show. Our staff will inform you about the special good-bye.
【Ticketing counter】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
〈1st Show〉12:00 ~ 14:30
〈2nd Show〉17:00 ~ 19:30
Details: Reserved tickets claim and tickets purchased at the door available. (of a limited number)
※ Tickets for the 1st and 2nd show will be sold separately. Tickets are limited. Sales via internet and FamiPort will be until 9th February 23:59.
※ If you wish to claim reserved tickets for the 2nd show, you may also come between 12:00 ~ 14:30.
【Event service counter】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor
Details:Inquiries about event, about flowers and presents, reception for guests
Event Hotline:+886-958-622-890
【Official goods】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat) 10a.m. – around 9:30 p.m.
Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor
Please refer to original post about details:https://goo.gl/5sSjnB
【Regarding venue and event】
◆ Before, during and after the event, please behave along to instructions made by staff. Please do not run and push others, nor take up isle space or others’ seats. Please refrain from leaving your own seat except in case of emergency.
◆ Recording, photo-taking and video-shooting are strictly prohibited before, during and after the event. Please note that if found, you may be asked to leave the venue, or the event may be paused or cancelled.
◆ Please switch off cell phones, alarms, or any electronic devices that may emit noise and disturb the event.
◆ Smoking is not allowed inside the venue building。
◆ Please refrain from loitering around the venue, or any acts such as chasing after casts. These acts may cause trouble to casts, staff and neighbours.
【Regarding personal belongings】
◆ Item listed below are strictly prohibited in the venue: recording devices such as cameras, video cameras, recorders, MDs, recording pens etc.; flammable items such as laser pointers, fuel, matches, lighters; dangerous items such as knives, hammers, cutters, drivers. Also, any item that is considered to be dangerous by staff, even if not listed above, will be prohibited.
◆ We do not provide any cloak service. If you need to store personal belongings, please seek for other storage services.
◆ For security purpose, please keep your personal belongings with you and do not leave them unattended. In case of any missing, the event host and venue will not assume any responsibility.
【Regarding cheering goods】
Due to safety reasons and to avoid disturbing any performances on stage, we ask for your cooperation as followings.
◆ Penlights and light sticks may be used within venue. However, please refrain from using items that are overly bright, have been remodeled, overly long, or considered to be dangerous or disturbing by event staff.
◆ When using pen lights and light sticks, please be careful not to disturb or hit audiences nearby.
◆ Please refrain from bringing items that may disturb others or the performance on stage, to the venue.
【Present boxes】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat) 10:00-19:00
Venue:1ST Floor event service counter
1. We have boxes for each member and one for all 9 members, so please remember to write down to whom the present is for.
2. In case you cannot find the present boxes, please ask our staff.
3. Please refrain from giving any presents that may cause trouble to casts and staff, such as items that cannot pass customs, any food and raw items, plants, animals, items easily broken, items prohibited by the law and extremely big items. We cannot accept above items. Also, please note that the right to decide whether to accept an item or not, remains with the event host and staff.
Overseas Live Viewing Information
※ 午場觀眾13:00才會開放上樓、晚場觀眾18:00才會開放上樓,實際進場及開演時間將視現場情況而定。
台北國際會議中心 (TICC)
◎ 2MF-VIP區 + 2MF-S區 + 3F-S區,皆在3F觀眾入口處領取,分開領取。
◎ 4F-S區,在4F觀眾入口處領取。
〈午場〉12:00 ~ 14:30
〈晚場〉17:00 ~ 19:30
※ 午場和晚場的現場票分開販售,現場票券數量有限,售完為止,網路及機台預購只到2月9日 23:59。
※ 購買晚場票券選擇現場取票的朋友,可於午場時間提早取票。
◆ 開演前、演出中包含謝幕及散場時,都請務必保持良好秩序,請勿衝撞或佔據走道及他人座位,演出中非必要時,都請勿任意離開自己的座位。
◆ 開演前、演出中含謝幕及散場時,會場內一律嚴禁錄影、錄音、拍照等行為。如有發現違規,將請您離開會場,也有可能中止演出,敬請配合。
◆ 演出時請關閉行動電話、鬧鈴等會發出聲音的電子產品電源。
◆ 會場館內全面禁止吸菸。
◆ 切勿在演唱會會場附近逗留、徘徊、或是做出追逐表演者的行為,以免造成表演者、現場工作人員、鄰近店家及他人的困擾。
◆ 嚴禁攜帶下列各物品入場:相機、錄影機、MD、錄音機、錄音筆等影音器材,以及雷射筆、燃料類、大量打火機、火柴等易燃物品,還有利刃、鐵鎚、螺絲起子等可能做為凶器使用的物品亦嚴禁攜帶入場。任何不在上述表列的物品,若工作人員判斷為危險物品,皆嚴禁攜帶入場。
◆ 本場活動會場,無提供寄物服務,如有寄物需求,請自行處裡。
◆ 隨身行李請務必自行妥善保管,切勿隨意放置,以免遺失。倘若物品不幸遺失,演唱會主辦單位、活動會場、表演者皆不負任何責任,請自己妥善保管。
◆ 會場內可以使用螢光棒/手燈。但是,舉凡高亮度(包含會發出強烈閃光或是過亮的螢光)、或是經過改造的螢光棒/手燈、會發出過強亮光的物品、或長度過長(非一般長度)等,經現場工作人員研判可能會造成危險的物品,或是會妨礙影響其他人觀賞觀賞演出權益的物品,皆請勿使用及攜帶。
◆ 使用螢光棒或手燈時,請注意不要打擾到附近的觀眾觀賞演出,亦請小心揮動時不要打到其他觀眾唷。
◆ 可能造成妨礙他人觀賞演出的任何應援物,都請勿帶到會場使用。
2. 若找不到禮物箱,請詢問現場工作人員,謝謝。
3. 請勿贈送任何可能造成藝人及工作人員困擾之物品,包括無法過海關或寄送的物品、各類食物及飲品、生鮮、動/植物、易碎物品、入出境違禁物品、大型物品等,恕無法代收,相關單位亦將保留判斷收受標準之權力,敬請見諒。
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Club Activity
–Landing action Yeah!! – in Taipei
【Queuing /Open/Start】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
〈1st Show〉13:00OPEN/14:00 START
〈2nd Show〉18:00 OPEN/19:00 START
※ Audience for the 1st show may proceed upstairs from1 p.m. onwards, and audience for the 2nd show from 6 p.m. The time may vary due to conditions on that day.
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC (Plenary Hall)
【Exclusive Bandana exchange】
◎ 2MF-VIP area + 2MF-S area + 3F-S area to be exchaged at 3F entrance.
◎ 4F-S area to be exchanged at 4F entrance.
※Please note that odd number and even number seats have to enter from different doors.
※Exchange can only be done per show. Please be aware that you may not exchange for bandanas for both shows at the same time. Also, you may not do the exchanging for another person.
※Once exchanged, a stamp will be put on the ticket used. You may only pick one bandana up once and for the upcoming show only. Also, if you lose your ticket, we are afraid that you may not exchange.
※VIP area audiences, please stay on your seats after the show. Our staff will inform you about the special good-bye.
【Ticketing counter】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
〈1st Show〉12:00 ~ 14:30
〈2nd Show〉17:00 ~ 19:30
Details: Reserved tickets claim and tickets purchased at the door available. (of a limited number)
※ Tickets for the 1st and 2nd show will be sold separately. Tickets are limited. Sales via internet and FamiPort will be until 9th February 23:59.
※ If you wish to claim reserved tickets for the 2nd show, you may also come between 12:00 ~ 14:30.
【Event service counter】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat)
Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor
Details:Inquiries about event, about flowers and presents, reception for guests
Event Hotline:+886-958-622-890
【Official goods】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat) 10a.m. – around 9:30 p.m.
Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor
Please refer to original post about details:https://goo.gl/5sSjnB
【Regarding venue and event】
◆ Before, during and after the event, please behave along to instructions made by staff. Please do not run and push others, nor take up isle space or others’ seats. Please refrain from leaving your own seat except in case of emergency.
◆ Recording, photo-taking and video-shooting are strictly prohibited before, during and after the event. Please note that if found, you may be asked to leave the venue, or the event may be paused or cancelled.
◆ Please switch off cell phones, alarms, or any electronic devices that may emit noise and disturb the event.
◆ Smoking is not allowed inside the venue building。
◆ Please refrain from loitering around the venue, or any acts such as chasing after casts. These acts may cause trouble to casts, staff and neighbours.
【Regarding personal belongings】
◆ Item listed below are strictly prohibited in the venue: recording devices such as cameras, video cameras, recorders, MDs, recording pens etc.; flammable items such as laser pointers, fuel, matches, lighters; dangerous items such as knives, hammers, cutters, drivers. Also, any item that is considered to be dangerous by staff, even if not listed above, will be prohibited.
◆ We do not provide any cloak service. If you need to store personal belongings, please seek for other storage services.
◆ For security purpose, please keep your personal belongings with you and do not leave them unattended. In case of any missing, the event host and venue will not assume any responsibility.
【Regarding cheering goods】
Due to safety reasons and to avoid disturbing any performances on stage, we ask for your cooperation as followings.
◆ Penlights and light sticks may be used within venue. However, please refrain from using items that are overly bright, have been remodeled, overly long, or considered to be dangerous or disturbing by event staff.
◆ When using pen lights and light sticks, please be careful not to disturb or hit audiences nearby.
◆ Please refrain from bringing items that may disturb others or the performance on stage, to the venue.
【Present boxes】
Time:10th February 2018 (sat) 10:00-19:00
Venue:1ST Floor event service counter
1. We have boxes for each member and one for all 9 members, so please remember to write down to whom the present is for.
2. In case you cannot find the present boxes, please ask our staff.
3. Please refrain from giving any presents that may cause trouble to casts and staff, such as items that cannot pass customs, any food and raw items, plants, animals, items easily broken, items prohibited by the law and extremely big items. We cannot accept above items. Also, please note that the right to decide whether to accept an item or not, remains with the event host and staff.