
Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Club Activity LIVE & FAN MEETING -Landing action Yeah!!-
Overseas Live Viewing Information
若欲致贈前台花籃,請填寫表單: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
2. 指定抵達及指定回收時間
指定回收時間:2/10 晚上21:30~22:00
3. 其它限制
【高架花籃 收件資訊】
11049 台北市信義路五段1號
收件人:雅慕斯娛樂 +886-958-622-890
雅慕斯娛樂 (02) 8773-7972
【About flower baskets】
If you would like to send arranged flower baskets, please fill out the form below: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
Each person requires only one form filling, even if you wish to give a multiple numbers of baskets. Please fill in only one time per person!
◎Please note the followings when ordering arranged flower baskets:
<Flower stands to be put in the lobby>
To be within 40x40cm for the base, and under180cm with decorations included.
Please note that the width of decorations may not exceed the limit more than 30cm, and the height more than 15cm. Also, if decorations are too heavy, causing the stand to be unable to stand by itself, or taking up too much space in the lobby, there will be a chance that it will not be exhibited. Please double check with your flower shop about the requirements.
If you are sure you will send a stand, please fill in this form: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
<Flowers to the backstage>
We limit flowers to those that do not need big or extra vases and stands.
For vases, below are the size requirements: depth and width under 40x40cm, height to be under 80cm including decorations.
If you are sending flower stands, the total height has to be under 80cm and weight to be under 2kg.
Since space is limited at the backstage, items that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted, and we may ask flower shops to collect them immediately. We appreciate your understanding.
※Backstage flowers are considered to be presents. Please hand them in to service counter staff.
2. Arrival and collecting time
Arrival time:10th February 10:00a.m.~11:30a.m.
Collecting time:10th February 9:30 p.m.~10:00 p.m.
Address:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor event service counter (only available on 10th February)
※When ordering, please communicate with flower shops and do not forget to ask them to collect flower stands after the event.
3. Other requirements
We will ask flower shops to immediately collect any items that has personal information such as home addresses and telephone numbers on them. Please be careful since such items will not be exhibited, especially for groups and corporations.
※We will not be able to receive flower stands outside the specified time above.
※Items that exceed size limits, may not be exhibited depending on conditions on that day.
※Place to exhibit flow stands will be decided by event host according to fire service act regulations, and no requests regarding the order and location will be accepted.
※If we receive a number of flowers that exceed the capacity of the lobby, we may not be able to exhibit all.
※We may change the place and order of exhibition due to conditions on that day.
※We will not be able to take orders about special picking up and collecting of flowers, nor special requirements regarding decorations and exhibition.
※Due to safety reasons, we may not be able to accept or exhibit certain items.
※We do not assume any responsibility in case of delay due to traffic conditions.
We appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.
【Flower stands mailing information】
<Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor>
1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049
Recipient:AMUSE ENTERTAINMENT TAIWAN Inc. +886-958-622-890
The about telephone number is not for inquiries.
In case of inquiries,Please contact the hotline below:
Every Mon~Fri,10:00a.m.~7p.m.
Overseas Live Viewing Information
若欲致贈前台花籃,請填寫表單: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
2. 指定抵達及指定回收時間
指定回收時間:2/10 晚上21:30~22:00
3. 其它限制
【高架花籃 收件資訊】
11049 台北市信義路五段1號
收件人:雅慕斯娛樂 +886-958-622-890
雅慕斯娛樂 (02) 8773-7972
【About flower baskets】
If you would like to send arranged flower baskets, please fill out the form below: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
Each person requires only one form filling, even if you wish to give a multiple numbers of baskets. Please fill in only one time per person!
◎Please note the followings when ordering arranged flower baskets:
<Flower stands to be put in the lobby>
To be within 40x40cm for the base, and under180cm with decorations included.
Please note that the width of decorations may not exceed the limit more than 30cm, and the height more than 15cm. Also, if decorations are too heavy, causing the stand to be unable to stand by itself, or taking up too much space in the lobby, there will be a chance that it will not be exhibited. Please double check with your flower shop about the requirements.
If you are sure you will send a stand, please fill in this form: https://goo.gl/L66UYt
<Flowers to the backstage>
We limit flowers to those that do not need big or extra vases and stands.
For vases, below are the size requirements: depth and width under 40x40cm, height to be under 80cm including decorations.
If you are sending flower stands, the total height has to be under 80cm and weight to be under 2kg.
Since space is limited at the backstage, items that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted, and we may ask flower shops to collect them immediately. We appreciate your understanding.
※Backstage flowers are considered to be presents. Please hand them in to service counter staff.
2. Arrival and collecting time
Arrival time:10th February 10:00a.m.~11:30a.m.
Collecting time:10th February 9:30 p.m.~10:00 p.m.
Address:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor event service counter (only available on 10th February)
※When ordering, please communicate with flower shops and do not forget to ask them to collect flower stands after the event.
3. Other requirements
We will ask flower shops to immediately collect any items that has personal information such as home addresses and telephone numbers on them. Please be careful since such items will not be exhibited, especially for groups and corporations.
※We will not be able to receive flower stands outside the specified time above.
※Items that exceed size limits, may not be exhibited depending on conditions on that day.
※Place to exhibit flow stands will be decided by event host according to fire service act regulations, and no requests regarding the order and location will be accepted.
※If we receive a number of flowers that exceed the capacity of the lobby, we may not be able to exhibit all.
※We may change the place and order of exhibition due to conditions on that day.
※We will not be able to take orders about special picking up and collecting of flowers, nor special requirements regarding decorations and exhibition.
※Due to safety reasons, we may not be able to accept or exhibit certain items.
※We do not assume any responsibility in case of delay due to traffic conditions.
We appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.
【Flower stands mailing information】
<Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)1st floor>
1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049
Recipient:AMUSE ENTERTAINMENT TAIWAN Inc. +886-958-622-890
The about telephone number is not for inquiries.
In case of inquiries,Please contact the hotline below:
Every Mon~Fri,10:00a.m.~7p.m.